For a Better & Beautiful World is an online International Event that aims to celebrate the Sustainable Development Goals initiated by the United Nations.
This event is held by St. Mark’s School, India. It is an honor for us to participate this event by sending our greatest students to represent our school in the following performances:
- Splash – Dabbling with Colors
Represented by Nasywa Adya Ramadhani (8B) performing her own painting - Verses – The Poetic Vibe
Represented by Savina Choiratunissa (8A) performing ‘Alone’ by Maya Angelou - Moves – And this is how we groove
Represented by Cahaya Kurnia Dewi (7A), Sashikirana Aribowo (7A), and Kirana Dhiyazka Larasati (7A) performing Jaipong Dance
Al Jannah is proud to be part of the world while introducing our own culture/pride!